Abandoned and Abused Infants
into lives worth living

until social workers have established
a permanent loving family
Welcome to the website

Thand’usana Babies Safe Home is a safe haven for abandoned, abused and neglected babies, from birth to 3 years. We are a ministry of Newton Park Methodist Church. We are registered as a Non-Profit Organisation (NPO 068/466) and situated in Port Elizabeth, South Africa.
Thand’usana is a temporary safe haven that aims to care for all babies (maximum of 6 at a time) in need of intervention. This includes HIV infected infants.
Please note the baby safe is no longer available at Thand’usana Babies Safe Home, but should you need assistance, there are carers available 24/7. Please press the buzzer.
Thand’usana cares for our babies until such time social workers have managed to arrange and qualify an adoption, returned them to family, found foster carers or a long term facility to provide a better future for our infants and toddlers. We are partnering with other safe homes and formal evaluation processes are in place to ensure that our objectives are met.
The Management Committee believes that Thand’usana Babies Safe Home, is an investment in the future of South Africa. A place where the sanctity of human life – however short it may be – is preserved and honoured thereby bringing glory to God..
With your support we are able to provide the following..

Love, Nurture and Family Placement
Thand’usana cares for our babies until such time social workers have managed to qualify and arrange an adoption, returned them to family, found foster carers or a long term facility to provide a better future for our infants and toddlers.
We have full time house mothers that care for the little ones at all times
ensuring fun, nurture and love and individual attention is provided to each little one.

Medical Support and Treatment
We ensure that the little ones get the care and treatment they need
to keep them healthy and smiling.
Thand’usana’s care include the following medical professionals:
Doctors, Occupational Therapist, Physio Therapist and Speech therapists.

Housing and Clothing and Toys
Thandusana clothes all infants currently living in our care. We provide toys and stimulation activities appropriate current age. If you would like to contribute any clothing or toy item item please check our current needs page and contact us.

Healthy Food and Water
Thand’usana provides healthy food, water, juice, milk and formula to infants currently in our care. If you would like to contribute purity, formula or any other food item please check our current needs page.
Thank-you to all those individuals and businesses who have contributed time, resource, expertise, finance
or other with regard to the running of the home and the welfare of the many infants over the years.
Your kind heart and generosity is much appreciated.
We cannot run this home without you.
Thank-you for your willingness to make a difference.
Volunteers are welcome but are required to sign an affidavit and present a copy of their ID before volunteering commences.
Unfortunately due to the world we live in today, these documents need to be accompanied by police clearance before an individual will be allowed to volunteer.
For an idea of the responsibilities of a volunteer, please click on Find Out More below.