We are a safe haven for abandoned, abused and neglected babies

Thandusana Babies Safe Home is a safe haven for abandoned, abused and neglected babies, birth to 3 years of age and is a ministry of Newton Park Methodist Church. It is a Non Profit Organisation (NPO nr: 068/466) and is situated in Port Elizabeth, South Africa.

Thandusana is a temporary safe haven that aims to care for HIV infected or affected infants. We care for no more than six babies at a time.

Thandusana cares for our babies until such time as social workers have established a permanent loving family to care for them. We are partnering with other safe homes and formal evaluation processes are in place to ensure that our objectives are met.

The Management Committee believes that Thandusana Babies Safe Home, is an investment in the future of South Africa. A place where the sanctity of human life – however short it may be – is preserved and honoured thereby bringing glory to God.

Our Faithful Staff

Our staff at Thand’usana are Committed, Faithful and Loving individuals who value their work and relationship with the children. Thand’usana family consists of:
a House Mother, Assistant House Mother and caregivers.

Do your part

Thand’usana has a sustainable income
thanks to the generousity and support of others.  Click the button below to get involved 🙂

our premises

A peek into the Thandusana Baby Home.
Unfortunately we legally cannot post images of the little ones currently at the home for their own safety.